I just found Sonic 3D Blast Handheld Game (Released in 1997, by Tiger Electronics) and found this gem of an advertisement for the game on...

Retro Gaming Advertisement TV Commercial | Sonic 3D Blast Tiger Electronics Handheld

I just found Sonic 3D Blast Handheld Game (Released in 1997, by Tiger Electronics) and found this gem of an advertisement for the game on YouTube while researching and pricing it, as I do with any and all the items I buy with intentions to resell. 

Have you ever played this game or seen it or even heard of it, or have you any fond memories regarding it that you would not mind sharing?

I am interested to hear some stories relating to any pickers / resellers that dabble in retro gaming, that would be beneficial or good to know or maybe even suggestions of best avenues to sell lots of these handheld games?

I typically find myself getting a bundle of various handheld games in spats throughout the year and right now have a treasure chest for of them, ready to unload on any and all unsuspecting gaming enthusiast...er, buyer, in other words. 


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