Amazon FBA seller recovers a box of items from Amazon warehouse with intentions to revise listings and/or otherwise and check this video ...

Legitimate Amazon FBA Seller Frustrations | Amazon Customer Satisfaction - What is a Customer?

Amazon FBA seller recovers a box of items from Amazon warehouse with intentions to revise listings and/or otherwise and check this video to see how his items arrived back to him...!

After viewing, be sure to leave comments elaborating on any experience you may have had similar to this one, we'd love to hear if this is a common concern to be made aware to those thinking of jumping into the ol' FBA Sandbox arena in near future! I also copied the top comments from the YouTube video source page.

Amazon Customer Satisfaction - What is a Customer? - YouTube:

 trinketgobblin 1 week ago
I pulled some inventory and had broken items returned to me as well as items that had been comingled and we're not mine. I have lost interest in amazon.
 startWinGO 1 week ago
you are a witness to the comingling of stickered inventory. did you call amazon about the conditions when you received the stuff?
 Louie The Seller 1 week ago
I've experienced the same thing. Amazon seems to care more about their sold items than the items they have to return to the seller.