This is an oldie but still relevant and with very simply, effective tips for buying/selling on Craigslist, items you can easily find at gara...

Hustling Craigslist - Great tips to make money!

This is an oldie but still relevant and with very simply, effective tips for buying/selling on Craigslist, items you can easily find at garage sales for cheap and resell for huge profit margins and some ways to calculate risk when purchasing items with intent to resell and more. Check the Bonafide Hustler's video out below:

Please be sure to provide your own comments and suggestions of your own Craigslist tips that he didn't mention, I would love to hear them!

Thanks for visiting and viewing and most importantly, thank you for providing your own success stories and tips!


B. Justice - Eclectic#Antiquing

Published on Oct 29, 2012
I show some great weekly finds as well as a small sat am hustling run. I also go over some great craigslist tactics that can get you items when you're not at thrift stores, garage sales, and flea markets. Last, I pull the winner of the Use Your Illusion 1 Contest - Who is it???!! Watch the video and find out.