Without a doubt, content marketing is the hottest craze right now in the marketing world. Everybody's talking about it. So, bec...

5 Reasons Why Your Content Marketing Strategy is Already Doomed

Without a doubt, content marketing is the hottest craze right now in the marketing world.Everybody's talking about it.

So, because everyone else is doing it, you've decided to hop on the bandwagon. You throw up a couple blog posts every month, ask the new intern to tweet half-regularly, and maybe (if you're really committed) you even do a couple infographics.

You sit back and wait for results, except you don't get any. Wanna know why?

Because that isn't how content marketing works. To be truly successful on the Internet, you need a researched, well-planned strategy to leverage the incredible power of online content; a strategy that will execute content creation, distribution, and lead generation flawlessly.
In this post, I'll take a look at some of the most common mistakes content marketing strategies make (yes, even experienced marketers have made and will probably continue to make these gaffes) that will doom your content strategy to inevitable failure.

1. Your target audience is off

I'm a firm believer in the idea that no content strategy can succeed if you don't start off with a buyer persona.
In layman's terms, a buyer persona is a profile of your ideal customer. You can use it to better understand and target your audience. When done properly, a buyer persona will tell you all of the following (and more) about your target reader:
  • Education level & job title
  • Pain points
  • Goals/challenges
  • Shopping habits
Your buyer persona is a goldmine of detailed information. It gives you a ton of info about your ideal reader, so you know exactly what type of content they like to consume and how you should market it to them.

Buyer personas are the core of your content marketing strategy, and every piece of content you ever produce needs to be centered around them.

If you're currently operating without a buyer persona, stop. Please. You need to know exactly who your content should be targeting before you write it. Otherwise, you're just wasting time and resources producing content that might (read: probably won't) attract leads.

Pro tip: if you haven't created a buyer persona yet, use this Uberflip infographic to guide your research.

2. Your analytics are too broad

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